What led me here
Hi y'all, and hope this finds you well...today's full moon seems to be going either one way or the other for people I've spoken to. And this is a bit of a difficult posting for me, so bear with me- it's quite personal- and I can be quite guarded about that (I can just hear the raucous cackling of some of my mates as they read that!). I'll try not to ramble on, as that's how this moon is affecting me... Since first having the idea for this project in November last year, I've run it by a few people who know me well. I was surprised that none of them asked me why- they all seemed to get it, and thought it was something worthwhile in terms of the connections it would make, both with the past and the present, and between different people, and that it would be an interesting thing to follow. They also recognised that it brought together many aspects of my life- the crafts, the languages, the writing, the connecting with people, the love of nature and slow travel...