The Irish Thread
Hi all, hope this finds you all well and happy, although I know this week seems to have been a bit tough for many people close to, emotions, behaviours....please be gentle with yourself if you're struggling. I've been working frantically to finish off a crochet sculpture, so have had little contemplation time, but I have been thinking about Ireland, and firming up dates and places, and beginning to contact the yarn shops there. Researching ferry companies (which like to change and delete routes year by year to keep sea travellers on their toes I guess), I've had to modify the itinerary a little; my route is much more the West of Ireland now than my original plan along the south coast, and I have a start date- flying from London to Shannon airport on the 10th September, the second day of the new moon, and spending a couple of days acclimatising around Galway before beginning properly on....and at.... Wed 12th: Leenane/ Leenaun: The Connemara Sheep and Woo...