Good Friday everyone. I hope this finds you well...I've been sniffing and snivelling for the last couple of weeks- spring has been so very shy this year- I'm hoping that the sun will find its hat or its mojo, whatever's been lost, very soon. This, of course, is not so much of a problem in Portugal- quite the opposite as seen by the tragic fires last year- but it's not only the weather that makes me excited about writing this entry and about the Portuguese stage of the trip. This is really the spiritual home of the journey- I first had the idea while sitting on a beach in Sines in November last year, and my visits to this country over the last few years have been maybe the biggest source of inspiration for all of my craftwork recently. I first went to see my friend Monica there for her wonderful exhibition about Connection and Belonging in a gallery in Sines, in the Alentejo. She'd asked me to contribute something- a giant knitted talego- the name for the drawstrin...