
Showing posts from March, 2018


Good Friday everyone. I hope this finds you well...I've been sniffing and snivelling for the last couple of weeks- spring has been so very shy this year- I'm hoping that the sun will find its hat or its mojo, whatever's been lost, very soon. This, of course, is not so much of a problem in Portugal- quite the opposite as seen by the tragic fires last year- but it's not only the weather that makes me excited about writing this entry and about the Portuguese stage of the trip. This is really the spiritual home of the journey- I first had the idea while sitting on a beach in Sines in November last year, and my visits to this country over the last few years have been maybe the biggest source of inspiration for all of my craftwork recently. I first went to see my friend Monica there for her wonderful exhibition about Connection and Belonging in a gallery in Sines, in the Alentejo. She'd asked me to contribute something- a giant knitted talego- the name for the drawstrin...

El hilo cantabrico, asturiano y gallego

Good morning all. I hope this finds you well, and not too brought down by the lack of spring warmth, and all the cold bugs going least the light is returning, the buds are on the trees, and someone invented knitting so we have jumpers to keep warm! Plans are progressing well here, I have received some pledges, so my passport is renewed and the first travel tickets are bought...I have begun to embroider the map of the journey. I loved sewing the smooth Moroccan coast, but I feel the inlets and nooks and crannies of the Breton and Irish coasts will be much nicer to travel along than to sew. I want to embroider the name for the Atlantic Ocean in every language spoken along the way- having trouble finding this in any Berber language, so if you know any Berber speakers (especially Shilha), then please get in touch. Have also nearly finished the woollen blanket I will be raffling off to raise funds- it contains wool from Iceland, the Orkney Islands, Donegal, France, Portugal and...

Onwards to Spain

Good afternoon y'all and hope this finds you well. I'm being very inappropriate- this weekend is for all things Irish, but I've already planned that part. I will make sure to have a Red Velvet tomorrow (split a glass of port between two pints of Guinness- it's rather special), but my mind is further afield, planning the Spanish part of the trip. I will arrive in Santander on Monday first October, and will be travelling through three Spanish regions in the North; Cantabria, Asturias and Galicia, then down the coast of Portugal, and briefly back into Spain, to Andalucia to take the ferry to Morocco. I know very little about the North of Spain, although someone did tell me once how much it looked like Surrey; the whole area I'm going through is really where the rain in Spain mainly falls, and the Atlantic climate and green landscape is not so different from Ireland or Brittany. I'll be arriving in the port of Santander at lunchtime on Monday 1st Octob...

The Breton Thread/ Le Fil Breton

Good morning all, I hope this finds you well. I'm feeling excited and a little bit daunted- in exactly six months today, on the 10th September I will be setting off for Ireland to begin my journey. A lot of planning and thought has gone into it already, and it's all taking shape, but I need to keep my feet on the ground (not always easy for a dreamer), and get on with the parts about being a maker that few of us enjoy; promotion and raising funds. It is a very DIY project- I was born in the 70s after all so I think I must have breathed in that a lot of that punk ethic in my youth- but doing all that selling of myself and my ideas doesn't come naturally...but I'm slowly getting there! I took the first pledge for a scarf this week- thank you to my dear friend Monica, who has been incredibly supportive through all the planning process (and, in fact, in all the time I've known her), and it's fitting as I was with her on a beach in Sines when I first had this idea....

First Contacts- Brittany

Good morning all Hope this finds you well and those of you in the Northern hemisphere are keeping toasty warm- I can't help thinking it would be sensible to move Christmas to the end of February- this is when we really want to close the doors from the world outside, and all those snowscape cards would make a lot more sense. However, my mind is elsewhere and deep in the planning of my autumn journey, which is just as well because researching campsites in Ireland would be a bit scary if I was focussed on the weather outside. I have heard back from most of the yarn shops in Ireland, and all seem very interested in the project and are happy to be photographed. I have made one adjustment- I couldn't find any contact details for the yarn shop in Tralee, it may well have closed down- such being the fate of so many independent yarn shops alas, so my stop on the 17th September will now be at Commodum in Dingle/ Daingean Ui Chuis. And so, onwards to Brittany/ Bretagne/ Breizh. I leav...